Source: Socket.h

Annotated List
 * File:    Socket.h
 * Created: Sat Dec 4 1999
 * (C) 1999 by David M. <>
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

#ifndef SOCKET_H
#define SOCKET_H

#include <qstring.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qtimer.h>

* @author David M.
* @short Encapsulates TCP socket I/O communication.
* Encapsulates basic TCP socket communication. It is the base class for
* the ClientSocket and ServerSocket classes. Socket does not provide
* methods to connect to an IP/port or to listen on a port for connections. These
* specific tasks are included in ClientSocket and ServerSocket.
* @see ClientSocket
* @see ServerSocket
class Socket : public QObject

  * Default constructor.

  * Copy constructor. A Socket object created with this constructor has the same state as the object it was
  * copied from. The new object also shares the FD of the object it was copied from.

  * Initialize a socket object from a standard UNIX file descriptor.
  * This use is depreciated, and can cause problems if, for instance,
  * the file descriptor is not valid or open.
  Socket(const int fileDescriptor);

//Public functions
  * Terminates communication on an open socket connection. Calling closeSocket() drops
  * the connection and empties the socket's data buffer. Any data waiting to be read
  * when closeSocket() is called is lost.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * POSTCONDITIONS: !isConnected()
  void closeSocket();

  * Determine wether the socket object is currently connected.
  * @return true if the object is in a valid connected state, false otherwise.
  bool isConnected() const;

  * Get the current error code of a socket object.
  * @return Possible values are:
  * (0) NoError: The socket object has not encountered any errors so far.
  * (-1) ReadError: An error occured while the object was receiving data.
  * (-2) WriteError: An error occured while the object was sending data.
  * (111) ConnRefused: A connection request was refused.
  * If an error occured, then the socket was disconnected at that moment.
  * Use this method if you want to know what caused of a disconnection.
  int error() const;

  * Get the UNIX file descriptor associated with the socket object. This is used mostly
  * for copy purposes; the socket's internal file descriptor should NOT be used externaly!
  * @return The file descriptor of the socket, or 0 if the socket is not connected.
  int fileDesc();

  * Write data contained in a string to an open socket. In case of a write error, this method
  * returns false, error() is set to WriteError, and the socket is disconnected.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @returns true if the write operation succeeded, false if a write error occured.
  * @param data The QString object containing the data to write.
  bool sendTo(const QString& data);

  * Write data contained in an old format string to an open socket. In case of a write error, this method
  * returns false, error() is set to WriteError, and the socket is disconnected.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @returns true if the write operation succeeded, false if a write error occured.
  * @param data A pointer to the buffer containing the data to write. The buffer must be null-terminated.
  bool sendTo(const char* data);

  * Write data contained in a string to an open socket. In case of a write error, this method
  * returns false, error() is set to WriteError, and the socket is disconnected.
  * This method differs from sendTo in the fact that it adds an end-of-line ('\n') character after the
  * data.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @returns true if the write operation succeeded, false if a write error occured.
  * @param data The QString object containing the data to write.
  bool sendLine(const QString& data);

  * Write data contained in an old format string to an open socket. In case of a write error, this method
  * returns false, error() is set to WriteError, and the socket is disconnected.
  * This method differs from sendTo in the fact that it adds an end-of-line ('\n') character after the
  * data.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @returns true if the write operation succeeded, false if a write error occured.
  * @param data A pointer to the buffer containing the data to write. The buffer must be null-terminated.
  bool sendLine(const char* data);

  * manually set the file descriptor for the socket object to use. This method is depreciated.
  void setFD(const int FD);

  * Set the socket to asynchronous (non blocking) mode. This will make methods like dataWaiting() and read()
  * return immediately, instead of waiting for information to arrive.
  * This method is platform-dependant, and currently only works on Linux.
  bool setNonBlocking();

  * Read data that is waiting on a socket object. Even if you use blocking sockets, dataWaiting() must be called
  * to actually read the data from the socket. Here is how sockets should be used, no matter if they are blocking
  * or not:
  * <pre>
  * if (mySocket->dataWaiting()) {
  *   QString dataRead = mySocket->read();
  *   cout << dataRead << endl;
  * }
  * </pre>
  * @return true if there is data to be read on the socket, false otherwise.
  bool dataWaiting();

  * Get a string containing the data that is in the socket's buffer. This method should only be called after
  * a successful dataWaiting() call.
  * @return a QString object containing the data the socket has in its buffer.
  QString read();
  * Write data contained in a QString to an open socket. After using this operator, you should check if any errors
  * occured. This operator calls sendLine(), meaning that every string sent using it will add a '\n' at the
  * end of the sent data.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @param data A string containing the data to write.
  Socket& operator<< (const QString& data);

  * Write data contained in an old format string to an open socket. After using this operator, you should check if any errors
  * occured. This operator calls sendLine(), meaning that every string sent using it will add a '\n' at the
  * end of the sent data.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @param data A pointer to the buffer containing the data to write. The buffer must be null-terminated.
  Socket& operator<< (const char* data);

  * error() returns this value when no error occured during an operation.
  static const int NoError = 0;

  * error() returns this value when an error occured while the socket was reading data. A socket that had a
  * read error is disconnected.

  static const int ReadError = -1;
  * error() returns this value when an error occured while the socket was writing data. A socket that had a
  * write error is disconnected.
  static const int WriteError = -2;

  * error() returns this value when an attempted connection could not be established. This error
  * is set by @ref ClientSocket 's connectTo() method.
  static const int ConnRefused = 111;
    void onDataWaiting(Socket*);
    void onDisconnect(Socket*);
protected slots:
    virtual void check();
// Protected functions
  QString buffer() const;

// Member variables
  int m_fd;
  bool m_open;
  int m_error;
  bool m_ready;
  QString* m_buffer;
  QTimer m_timer;


Generated by: nightsky@centauri on Sat Jan 15 23:06:10 2000, using kdoc 2.0a30.