Source: IRCModule.h

Annotated List
 * File:    IRCModule.h
 * Created: Sat Dec 4 1999
 * (C) 1999 by David M. <>
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

#include <qstring.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qtimer.h>

#include "numeric.h"

//## end module.includes

// Channels

#include "Ban.h"
#include "Channels.h"
#include "Channel.h"
#include "ChanUser.h"
#include "IRCMessage.h"

class Socket;
class ClientSocket;

QString LongToIP(unsigned long longip);

* @author David M.
* @short Handle a client connection to an Internet Relay Chat Server.
* Handles a client-side connection to an IRC server. This class uses various signals to notify
* other objects of events that occured on the IRC connection, such as joins, parts, quits, etc.
* It uses a @ref ClientSocket as its communication link to the server.
* NOTE: In this page, the "client" refers to the object currently being used as a connection to
*       an IRC server. a "user" refers to any user on IRC, wether the client or another user.
* @see ClientSocket,Channels,Channel,ChanUser,Ban
class IRCModule : public QObject {

  *	Attempt to connect to the specified server and port, with
  *	nickname and ident specified by values in parameter.
  *	If the connect is succesful, a onConnect event is
  *	generated. Note that a connection could be succesful, but the client disconnected afterwards,
  * for instance if it is K-lined. In that case, an onConnected event will be generated, followed by
  * an onDisconnect event when the server breaks the connection.
  * PRECONDITIONS: !isConnected() ; serverName != "" ; serverPort > 1024 ; nick != "" ; ident != "" ;
  * realName != ""
  * @return true if a connection was established, false otherwise.
  * @param serverName Hostname or IP of the server to connect to.
  * @param serverPort TCP port to use to establish connection.
  * @param nick Nickname to give the server when connecting. If that nickname is in use, the IRCModule will
  * use variations on the nick until it can connect.
  * @param ident Ident to use when connecting. If you have identd active, this value will be ignored
  * by the server.
  * @param realName Text to be placed in the client's real name field.
  bool connectTo(QString serverName, int serverPort, QString nick, QString ident, QString realName);

  * Set a specified mode on a channel.
  * No checking is done on the mode, so it should be a mode the server can understand.
  * The mode will also be sent regardless if the client is currently oped or not
  * on that channel.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  void setMode(QString channel, QString mode);
  * Send text to dest in PRIVMSG format. Use this method
  * to send text to both channels and users.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @param dest Nickname or channel to send the message to.
  * @param text Message text to send to the destination.
  void sendPrivmsg(QString dest, QString text);

  * Send text to dest in NOTICE format. Use this method
  * to send text to both channels and users
  * (although NOTICE'ing whole channels is usually not a good idea)
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  * @param dest Nickname or channel to send the notice to.
  * @param text Notice text to send to the destination.
  void sendNotice(QString dest, QString text);
  * Set a specified user mode on the client.
  * User modes are not supported by the IRCModule, but it provides
  * functionality for clients to support it.
  * @param mode The mode to set.
  void setUserMode(QString mode);

  *	Determine wether a succesful connection is currently active with an IRC server.
  * @return true if the client is currently connected to a server, false otherwise.
  bool isConnected() const;

  *	Make the client join a specified channel with a
  *	key if necessary. This method only sends the join
  *	command. an onJoin() event will be generated if its
  *	succesful, or the appropriate error numerics returned in
  *	an onNumeric() event.
  *	Requesting to join a channel that was already joined is
  *	an error.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected() ; !isOn(channel)
  * @param channel Name of the channel to join.
  * @param key Key to use to join the channel, if required.
  void join(QString channel, QString key = "");

  *	Request that the client leave a channel in which it
  *	currently is.
  * PRECONDITIONS : isConnected() ; isOn(channel)
  * @param channel Name of the channel to part.
  * @partComment Part comment to use, if desired.
  void part(QString channel, QString partComment = "");

  /** Determine if the client is currently on a particular channel.
  *	@return true if the client is currently on the specified
  *	channel, false otherwise.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  bool isOn(QString channel);

  *	Send a kick command to the IRC server for the specified
  *	channel and user. The kick is sent regardless of wether
  * the client is currently oped on the channel.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  void kick(QString channel, QString nickname, QString comment);

  * Make the client quit IRC with the comment specified.
  * The comment "Leaving" is used if no comment if given.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected()
  void quit(QString quitComment = "Leaving");

  *	Determines if the client is currently oped on a specified
  *	channel. the client must be in that channel before calling
  *	this method.
  * PRECONDITIONS: isConnected() ; isOn(channel)
  * @return true if the client is oped on the given channel, false otherwise.
  bool isOpedOn(QString channel);

  * Access the client's internal channel list. This list contains information about
  * the channels the client is on, including channel modes, userlists, user hosts
  * if available, etc.
  * @return A const reference to the internal channel list.
  * @see Channels
  const Channels& channels() const;

  * Get the current nickname of the client.
  * @return The current client's nickname.
  const QString& getNick() const;

  * Determine if a string is a valid channel name.
  * A channel name is valid if it begins with either a #, & or + and it
  * does not contain any whitespace.
  * @return true if the string is a valid channel name, false otherwise.
  static bool isChannelName(const QString& nick);

  * Determine if a string is a valid server name.
  * A server name contains at least one '.'.
  * @return true if the string is a valid server name, false otherwise.
  static bool isServerName(const QString& name);

  * an onConnect signal is emitted when the client succesfully connected to a server.
  * @param serverName The name of the server to which the connection was established.
  * @param nickname The nick of the client on that server.
  void onConnect(QString serverName, QString nickname);

  * Emitted when a user sends a CTCP request to a channel the client is on.
  * Note: CTCP's include ACTIONs.
  * @param nick The nickname of the user who sent the CTCP.
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel to which the CTCP was sent.
  * @param ctcpType A string containing the CTCP's "type" (VERSION, PING, ACTION, etc).
  * @param ctcpText A string containing the rest of the CTCP request. In other words, any text after
  *                 CTCP type is contained in the ctcpText parameter.
  * @see ChanUser
  * @see Channel
  void onChannelCTCP(QString nick,const Channel* channel, QString ctcpType, QString ctcpText);

  * Emitted when the client receives a CTCP reply.
  * This signal applies for replies directed to channels AND private replies. The dest
  * parameter specifies where the reply was sent to.
  * Note: channel-wide ctcp replies are unlikely.
  * @param nuh nick!user@host of the user sending the reply.
  * @param dest nick or channel to which the reply was sent.
  * @param ctcpType CTCP type of the reply, e.g. PING, VERSION, etc.
  * @param ctcpText Parameters of the reply.
  void onCTCPReply(QString nuh,QString dest, QString ctcpType, QString ctcpText);

  * Emitted when a user sends a regular message (PRIVMSG) to a channel the client is on.
  * Note: This event does not include notices.
  * @param nick The nickname of the user who sent the channel message.
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel to which the message was sent.
  * @param text A string containing the text of the message.
  * @see ChanUser
  * @see Channel
  void onChannelText(QString nick,const Channel* channel, QString text);

  * Emitted when a user sends a notice to a channel the client is on.
  * @param nick The nickname of the user who sent the notice.
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel to which the notice was sent.
  * @param text A string containing the text of the notice.
  void onChannelNotice(QString nick,const Channel* channel, QString text);

  * Emitted when the client is disconnected from the server. This signal will be emitted
  * when the connection terminates, regardless of the cause of disconnection. Calling @ref quit()
  * results in an onDisconnect event when the server drops the connection.
  void onDisconnect();

  * Emitted when the client receives an ERROR message from the server. Such messages include
  * K-lines, kills, server full, etc.
  * @param errorMessage A string containing the full text the server included with the
  *                     ERROR message.
  void onError(QString errorMessage);

  * Emitted when a user joins a channel. This signal is also emitted when
  * the client joins a channel through the @ref join() method.
  * @param nick The nickname of the user who joined.
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel on which the join occured.
  * @see ChanUser
  * @see Channel
  void onJoin(QString nick,const Channel* channel);

  * Emitted when a user is kicked from a channel.
  * @param from The nick of the user who sent the kick. Note that this
  *             can also be a server name.
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel on which the kick occured. If the user
  *                getting kicked is the client, that pointer is no longer valid
  *                outside the scope of this event.
  * @param kicked The nickname of the user who got kicked.
  * @param comment The kick comment.
  void onKick(QString from, const Channel* channel, QString kicked, QString comment);

  * Emitted when a user on a common channel with the client, or the client itself changes nicknames.
  * @param nick The previous nick of the user.
  * @param newNick The new nick of the user.
  void onNickChange(QString nick,QString newNick);

  * Emitted when a user parts a channel. This signal is also emitted when
  * the client parts a channel through the part() method.
  * @param nick The nickname of the user who left the channel
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel on which the join occured.
  * @param comment A string containing the part comment, if any.
  void onPart(QString nick,const Channel* channel,QString comment);

  * Emitted when a user sends a CTCP request to the client directly (not a channel
  * the client is on).
  * @param nick The nickname of the user sending the CTCP request.
  * @param ctcpType A string containing the type of the CTCP request (VERSION, PING, etc).
  * @param ctcpText Any text after the ctcpType will be included in this string.
  * @see onChannelCTCP
  void onPrivateCTCP(QString nick,QString ctcpType, QString ctcpText);

  * Emitted when a user sends a private message to the client directly (not a channel
  * the client is on).
  * @param nuh The nick!user@host of the user sending the message.
  * @param text The text contained in the message.
  * @see onChannelText
  void onPrivateText(QString nuh,QString text);

  * Emitted when a user sends a private notice to the client directly (not a channel
  * the client is on).
  * @param nuh The nick!user@host of the user sending the notice.
  * @param text The text contained in the notice.
  * @see onChannelNotice
  void onPrivateNotice(QString nuh,QString text);

  * Emitted when the client recieves a notice from the server.
  * @param serverName The name of the server sending the notice.
  * @param text The text contained in the notice.
  void onServerNotice(QString serverName,QString text);
  * Emitted when the client recieves a PING request from the server.
  * The IRCModule replies to PING requests properly. There is no need
  * to manually send a PONG reply when this signal occurs.
  void onPing();
  * Emitted when a user on a common channel with the client quits IRC.
  * @param nuh nick!username@host of the user that left IRC.
  * @param comment The quit message.
  void onQuit(QString nuh, QString comment);

  * Emitted when a numeric reply is received from the server.
  * @param numeric The numeric number of the reply. see numeric.h
  * @param message a raw IRCMessage containing the reply
  *        as recieved from the server.
  void onRawNumeric(int numeric, const IRCMessage& message);

  * Emitted when a user mode change is recieved. The IRCModule does not
  * handle user modes, but provides this signal to allow clients to keep
  * up to date with the current user modes.
  * @param mode A string containing the mode change, as recieved from the server.
  void onUserModeChange(QString mode);

  // Channel mode change events

  * Emitted on a mode +b on a channel.
  * @param from A string containing the nick of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of the server mode.
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel on which the mode change occured.
  * @param mask A string containing the ban mask that was added.
  void onBan(QString from, const Channel* channel, QString mask);

  * Emitted on a mode -b on a channel.
  * @param from A string containing the nick of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of the server mode.
  * @param channel A pointer to the channel on which the mode change occured.
  * @param mask A string containing the ban mask that was removed.
  void onUnban(QString from, const Channel* channel, QString mask);

  * Emitted on mode +o on a channel.
  * @param from A string containing the nick of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of a server mode.
  * @param channel A pointer the the channel on which the mode change occured.
  * @param dest A pointer to the ChanUser object of the user who was given ops.
  void onOp(QString from,const Channel* channel, const ChanUser* dest);
  * Emitted on mode -o on a channel.
  * @param from A string containing the nick of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of a server mode.
  * @param channel A pointer the the channel on which the mode change occured.
  * @param dest A pointer to the ChanUser object of the user who was deoped.
  void onDeop(QString from,const Channel* channel, const ChanUser* dest);
  * Emitted on mode +v on a channel.
  * @param from A string containing the nick of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of a server mode.
  * @param channel A pointer the the channel on which the mode change occured.
  * @param dest A pointer to the ChanUser object of the user who was voiced.
  void onVoice(QString from,const Channel* channel, const ChanUser* dest);
  * Emitted on mode -v on a channel.
  * @param from A string containing the nick of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of a server mode.
  * @param channel A pointer the the channel on which the mode change occured.
  * @param dest A pointer to the ChanUser object of the user who was devoiced.
  void onDevoice(QString from,const Channel* channel, const ChanUser* dest);
  * Emitted on channel-specific modes (t,n,m,i,l,k,s,p).
  * This signal is emitted once per mode change. For instance, a mode +tn generates
  * two onChanModeChange signals, one for +t, and one for +n

  * @param from A string containing the nick!user@host of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of a server mode.
  * @param mode A string containing the mode change. The mode is preceded by a '+'
  *             if the mode was added, or a '-' if the mode was removed.
  void onChanModeChange(QString from,const Channel* channel, QString mode);

  * Emitted on any channel mode change, once per MODE message received from the server.
  * This signal is provided for clients who want to display the mode change in one
  * string, as recieved from the server.
  * @param from A string containing the nick!user@host of the user who set the mode,
  *             or the name of the server in case of a server mode.
  * @param channel A pointer the the channel on which the mode change occured.
  * @param mode A string containing the mode change, exactly as recieved from the server.
  void onRawChannelMode(QString from, const Channel* channel, QString mode);

private slots:
  void onDataWaiting(Socket* socket);
  void onSocketDisconnect(Socket* socket);

private:  //## implementation
  void authenticate(const QString& nick,const QString& ident, const QString& realName );
  void handleMessage(const QString& message);
  void handleNumeric(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleNonNumeric(const IRCMessage& message);

  //numeric reply handlers
  void handleWelcome(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleWho(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleNames(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleChanModeIs(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleChanBanlistIs(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleNickInUse(const IRCMessage& message);

  // non-numeric reply handlers
  void handleCTCP(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleError(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleJoin(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleModeChange(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleChannelModeChange(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleNickChange(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleKick(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handlePart(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handlePrivMsg(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleNotice(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleCTCPReply(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleQuit(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handlePing(const IRCMessage& message);
  void handleDisconnect();

  QString nickVariant(const QString& nickname);

  // Private attributes
  Channels* _channels;
  ClientSocket* _clientSocket;
  QTimer _nickTimer;
  QString _currentServer;
  QString _myNick;
  QString _desiredNick;

// Class IRCModule 


Generated by: nightsky@centauri on Sat Jan 15 23:06:10 2000, using kdoc 2.0a30.